Wednesday 16 January 2019


Victoria's Secret's brands claim to be fair-trade as manage to get away with it by finding a loop hole in the regulations. Although the brand uses fair-trade organic cotton, their garments are still being made in sweatshops and have even been caught for child labour by employing girls as young as 13 years old. Many of these sweatshops are in Jordan, and the National Labour Committee have recently released some of the conditions of these. They have been exposed for not giving the workers they necessary residency permits and they work routinely for up to 105 hours a week. They only get paid as little as $18.48 a week, and these wages amount to less that 3/10ths of the retail price of the bra they are given only 3.3 minutes to sew are costing. After some strikes by the workers, the management of these factories are threatening to deport all their workers, and Victoria's Secret is doing nothing to help. After these strikes, the large majority of workers had no choice but to go back to work as they cannot afford to live without it.

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